The Power of Women with Claudine Hope,

The Power Of Women (POW) is a new networking community based in Lancashire, dedicated to women, whether you're in business or not!


Name: Claudine Hope

First record ever bought?

5 Star. Silk and Steel

Favourite tv show? I can’t give you just one! Some of my fav’s are Sex and The City, Peaky Blinders, Luther, Peter Kays Phoenix Nights, Game of Thrones

Three things that make you angry?

1 – Dog poo on the pavement

2 – Litter thrown on the floor

3 – People with no manners

Three things that make you smile?

1 – My Children, Louis and Lexie

2 – Being able to help people if needed

3 – Having fun with friends and family

Your philosophy on life? I have a few

Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.

If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.

What other people think of you is none of your business. The most destructive thing you can do is to believe someone else’s opinion of you. Never give other people that control!

Be the reason someone smiles!

Who is your hero, and why?

My Mum. She raised my sister and I from a young age. Having battled cancer and a rare blood disorder as well as other illness throughout her life, she put my sister and I first. She passed away at the age of only 54. She never moaned, she never had a bad word to say about anyone and she always smiled. She is my hero.

What would be written on your gravestone?

Claudine Hope

A fighter who believed she could!

Devoted Mum to her children

Loyal friend, helper to empower women.

Loved to party but always running late!

How would your friends describe you?





Helps others





Three things that we don't know about you?

1 – I am ¼ Anglo Indian

2 – I have a phobia of opened Telephone exchange boxes

3 – Before I was a Musical theatre Dancer, Singer & Actress, I was a children’s party entertainer in the 90’s and would dress up as Mr Blobby!

Your beliefs in life?

1 – There is aways a way!

2 – Positive thoughts become things!

3 – Don’t allow people and circumstances control your life!

If you could pass a law to make something illegal, what would it be?

Child Marriage across the world.

One law you would scrap?

There are so many laws in other countries where Women and girls are treated as second class citizens and have no voice or opinion. These laws should be scrapped.

.What is your party trick?

Daffy Duck impression.

Which three words best describe you?

1 - Loyal

2 - Kind

3 - Sassy


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